National Vegetable Day

Even though I do not farm veggies, in my primary job, I do happen to work with many crop producers and home vegetable gardeners. In honor of National Veggie Day, I would like to take the time to say Thank You to all the farmers out there. I absolutely love food and I’m not talking about just the kind that we southerners like to simmer on the stove for hours on end. I’m talking about the fresh stuff that we can throw on the grill or saute on the stove or roast in the oven. Goodness…how I love roasted veggies. Anyways, there is a disconnect between farmer and consumer and then there is a whole lot of opinions on how to farm from organic to natural to using certain means to produce larger quantities….of which this is not that post! This is just saying to all of you farmers out there, no matter how yhe veggies are produced, I love the fact that I can go right around the corner to my local grocery or farmer’s market and get fresh veggies! I feel very fortunate to have all of you hard working men and women out there with the know how and want, to feed the rest of country and world…so THANKS!!

Today we have grilled up some chicken shish-ka-bobs. Then, to go with it, I had some broccoli that I roasted and then I got into it (what can I say) and decided to make a dipping sauce. Does it all go together…ummmm, maybe not…does it work for me…Absolutely! I love coming home from work and figuring out something easy to make up. If you are curious about the dipping sauce, it is Greek yogurt with lime zest and juice and a little pepper. Incredibly easy. So raise your carrot stick and thank a farmer!